Dodge Neon Used Engines

Dodge Neon

Locate a used engine for your Dodge Neon today at Johnny Frank’s Auto Parts. Find great deals on high-quality Dodge Neon used engines for sale from our vast network of parts suppliers from around the country.

Finding a used engine for your vehicle is easy. Simply browse our online parts database with over 80 million parts available to locate a suitable replacement engine. The ready to install used Dodge Neon engine can then be shipped directly to your residence or mechanic’s shop & your vehicle can be back on the road in no time.

We can ship parts anywhere in the U.S. & offer a lowest price guarantee on Dodge Neon used engines. Shop Johnny Frank’s Auto for reliable parts from the oldest used auto parts business in the nation – in business since 1910.

Latest Dodge Neon Used Engines requests...

1999 Dodge Neon

Fits: [2.2 L DOHC / Manual 2 Wheel Drive]
Engine: 2.2 L DOHC
Transmission: Manual 2 Wheel Drive
Location: CLOQUET, Minnesota 55720
Notes: Wanted: Engine with standard 4 speed transmission
2004 Dodge NEON

Fits: w/o turbo (4-2.0L) R/T (VIN "F")
Location: ,
2003 Dodge Neon

Engine: 2.0 Liter
Transmission: Manual 2 Wheel Drive
Location: PITTSBURGH, Pennsylvania 15220
1997 Plymouth Car Neon

Engine: 2.0 - 4 Cylinders
Transmission: Automatic
Location: ,
Notes: used engine under 125,000 miles
2004 Dodge Neon

Fits: [2.4 Liter / Automatic 2 Wheel Drive]
Engine: 2.4 Liter
Transmission: Automatic 2 Wheel Drive
Location: POWELL, Wyoming 82435
Notes: I just wanted to get some quotes on the motor for a Dodge neon if I get the quotes for the 2 l and the 2.4 l for the SRT I'm not sure what route I want to go yet
2005 Dodge Neon

Engine: 2.0 Liter
Transmission: Automatic 2 Wheel Drive
Location: BROWNSVILLE, Tennessee 38012
Notes: Looking for a good used motor
2005 Dodge Neon

Engine: 2.4 Liter
Transmission: Manual 2 Wheel Drive
Location: , KS
2004 Dodge Neon

Engine: 2.0 Liter
Transmission: Automatic 4 Wheel Drive
Location: SOMERVILLE, Tennessee 38068
2004 Dodge Neon

Engine: 3.0 Liter
Transmission: Automatic 2 Wheel Drive
Location: WINCHESTER, Virginia 22601
2003 Dodge Neon

Engine: 2.0 Liter
Transmission: Automatic 4 Wheel Drive
Location: SOUTHFIELD, Michigan 48075